Monday 23 March 2015

100 Happy Days Challenge - Day 3

Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else, Picture Quotes, Sayings with Images, Quotes with Pictures, image quotes, 100 Happy Days Challenge, Another Random Thought of a Procrastinator, Random Thought, Another Random Thought, Random Thoughts, Another Random Thoughts, Procrastinator
Don't be afraid of being different,
be afraid of being the same as everyone else.

One of my friends emailed me this quote.  Yes, we shouldn't be afraid of being different.  What's wrong with being different?  We look alike inside our bodies already.  Why do we want to have the same face, the same skin colour, the same height and the same body shape?

I'm happy we don't look alike.  I'm happy we don't dress alike.  I'm happy we don't behave alike.  We are all unique and let's be ourselves. 

My other Happy Moments → 100 Happy Days Challenge 

Why do I want to do 100 Happy Days Challenge?  This is the reason → The International Day of Happiness - 100 Happy Days Challenge 

Next blog post:
Vote for Ontario's Worst Road! 

Previous blog post: 
Faloodeh: Persian Rose Water and Rhubarb Ice Milk - A recipe of Chef Louisa Shafia


  1. You are right! I do believe being different. Everybody has to be happy for that. :)
