Monday, 2 March 2015

How to add MP3 files in blog post of Blogger

You already have a Google website and a Google web page as a File Cabinet.  Now, we can store MP3 files, get URLs and add MP3 files in our blog post.

If you already have a URL for your MP3 file, please scroll down and go directly to Add MP3 files to your blog post.

Upload MP3 files to your Google web page / File Cabinet

1. Click the name of your Google web page / your File Cabinet and you will see something similar to the following page.

Google sites, Google web page, create a website, create a web page

2. Click + add file button to store your MP3 files into your Google File Cabinet.  

Google sites, create a website, create a web page, upload a Mp3 file, + add file button, File Cabinet

Here is the upload dialog box.

Google sites, create a website, create a web page, upload a MP3 file, a dialog box

3. Voilà!  Here are the uploaded files.

Google sites, create a website, create a web page, upload MP3 files

Make your Google site public 

Before getting the URLs of your files, make sure visibility permission of your Google site is Public on the web.  Otherwise, you visitors can't listen to your sound files in your blog post.

Google sites, create a website, create a web page, visibility permission, public on the web

For more detailed information, please refer to Create a site of Google Sites Help

How to get a URL for your file?
1. Go to your file cabinet page and copy the URL.

2. Put name of your MP3 file behind it and this is the URL of your MP3 file


Add MP3 files to your blog post

No every browser accepts HTML 5 <audio> tag.  But majority of them do.  This <audio> tag allows us to upload and play MP3 files without a Flash player. 

<audio controls="" src="URL of your MP3 file">
Your browser does not support this audio player.

Oh, there is a storage limit for uploading your files. 100 MB per site and 20 MB per file.  Please refer to Storage and file limits

Using the above method, this is how my friend, who is a Cantonese teacher, adds MP3 files into her new blog Colleen's Little Cantonese Book.  If you would like to learn Cantonese, please check it out.

This was what we did for the whole weekend, my friends.  Another Mission Accomplished !!!

I wonder if we can do the same with PDF files... 

Next blog post:
Google Japan changed its loco for March 3, 2015 - Hinamatsuri 


  1. Great post and I think you have done a wonderful job and Its helpful for any newbie blogger

    1. Hi, Rohit. Thank you for your comment. You made my day !
      As a newbie blogger myself, I'm still learning as I blog.
