Thursday, 4 June 2015

Walk 10,000 steps a day

Have you ever tried walking 10,000 steps?  When Dr. Oz talked about walking 10,000 steps daily, I thought it was an easy exercise for me.  I usually walk 1.5 hours per day.  That should be equal to around 10,000 steps, right?  But I was wrong, my friends.

walk, walking, people walking, pedestrian, the Healthy Me Week, 7-Day Challenge, Day 3 Walking, photo, picture, free photo, free picture, free for commercial use, free for commercial use photo, free for commercial use picture, Pixabay
Walking - photo source: Pixabay

The theme of the Healthy Me Week 7-Day Challenge for Day 3 is "Walking".  So, I took on this challenge and set my goal to 10,000 steps yesterday.

First, I checked how many steps I walk.
1 minute of walking = 65 steps
Well, a lot less than I thought.

If I walk for 1.5 hours (90 minutes), I will have 5,850 steps.
If I want to have 10,000 steps, I need to walk 154 minutes.  i.e. 2 hours and 34 minutes.

This is why one of my aunts told me she walks 3 hours daily.  She is aiming for 10,000 steps every day. 

I tried to walk 10,000 steps yesterday.  But before I went to bed, I had 8,070 steps.  I needed to walk 30 minutes more.  :'(

Bonus Japanese Smiley of me crying →  →   (ToT)
* arrows not included

(Updated on June 5, 2015)
Some friends asked about the Japanese Smiley.
(       )  →  → the face
 T  T   →  → tears coming from the eyes
   o      →  → the mouth 

Yes, my friends, we only need to walk to accomplish the Healthy Me Week Day 3 "Walking" Challenge.  But my personal goal was to walk 10,000 steps.  I will take on this 10,000 steps challenge again later on.

The Healthy Me Week 7-Day Challenge I accomplished
Day 1 →  Muscle-up (June 1, 2015) 
Day 2 →  Try-it (June 2, 2015)
Day 3 →  Walking (Today)

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100 Happy Days Challenge - Day 76

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