Thursday, 9 July 2015

100 Happy Days Challenge - Day 46 (May 5)

My pear collection, pear, pears, Asian pear, Asian pears, fruit, 100 Happy Days Challenge, Another Random Thought of a Procrastinator, Random Thought, Another Random Thought, Random Thoughts, Another Random Thoughts, Procrastinator

Look at my pear collection of May 5.  Yes, another post backdating to Happy Days Challenge way back in May, my friends.

Pears are nutritious, so, we buy and eat lots of them.  I have no idea we bought so many different kinds during the week of May 5.  Some of them we bought at Asian supermarkets.

Other than eating pears raw, there are many ways to cook pears, especially, Asian pears.

For example this recipe recommended by one of my Korean friends:

Baesuk: Asian Pear & Ginger Tea

Simple Korean lesson from my friend:

baesuk means cooked pear
bae = pear
suk = cooked

My other Happy Moments → 100 Happy Days Challenge 

Why do I want to do 100 Happy Days Challenge?  This is the reason → The International Day of Happiness - 100 Happy Days Challenge 

Next blog post: 
Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington and Pan-Seared Scallop Dish - YouTube videos and recipes 

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